All the content on the web is moving towards a video oriented one owing to the faster connectivity speeds as well as the ease of conveying information over multimedia rather than age old written texts and the not-so-old visual form of infographics.
To stay in this information exchange race with time, websites are upgrading themselves with highly intuitive multimedia content rendered on computers by animators with such finesse and creativity to engage audiences and build a community of followers.
Need of the hour
With the exponential growth in users consuming digital content, animation being the new in-thing it brings with it new possibilities and is something worth taking up as a career choice. There are a lot of genres that are all set to take the internet by storm. The trends in Motion Graphic Animation ranges from 3D being on top form these days, to the newest forms of minimalism, with range of text being thrown around, all in between.
Animation know how
As advised by different animation developers, it is always said that a consistent design ensures the best animation project. A driving force to animate should always be there, perhaps a social cause, a theme for motivating viewers, a life skill, or even comedy/drama/action genres. There should be minimal usage of elements, never too much on viewers! While animating, keep in mind about the wide range of viewers, their tastes, as well as the devices on which they would be viewing it. An animation should be on point and never too long as to lose the audience.
Become be a part of this evolution
Animation software companies are providing online tutorials, videos and walkthroughs to have a go at initializing the software. Adobe animate, for example, has free tutorials on its site for users to get used to the software. The Gnomon Workshop has a lot of high quality video tutorials at an affordable price for the curious beginners. Animschool on the other hand is for the professional aspirants, provides technical knowhow on tools and software, and has the legacy of being run by professionals from Blue Sky studios.