Just like infographics, comic-like visual content and comics have a lot of chances to gain attention from people. If you are not sure about this, you need to check one of the most successful website- The Oatmeal.
By adding comic-based visual images in your product storytelling efforts, it helps you in tapping the engaging resource of website contents. You will be doing it more cost-effective and quicker to develop contents. There are certain key considerations you need to be aware of before starting a comic agency or contacting a comic’s artist.
How comic treatment helps in digital marketing?
When Google launched the Chrome browser, they used a comic. The comic has sufficient visual metaphors to describe technical concepts to people who are non-techie. It is possible to use comics for conveying any message. It comes in its own form to explain complex, unsexy, abstract products or ideas. They are different from videos and photos. They are bound by real-world thoughts. Comic artists can easily explain how to utilize semicolons or how a web browser works properly. It is possible to achieve the same effect using animation, but they take a long time to produce and more expensive.
Comics can be an excellent choice for digital marketing strategy. If the goal of your organization is to be more approachable, comics are the best option. In some cases, expensive looking and slick visuals accidentally sign you are too huge to tackle the problems of the usual guy.
Startup companies make use of playful graphics to differentiate themselves from established companies. They are still slow-moving or stuffy corporate players. It is possible to do similar things with comics.
Comics can easily excel in health-associated topics. Health issues would be frightening or even bit embarrassing. By using hand-drawn imagery, you can make an embarrassing, scary or taboo topic more approachable. If you wish people to read and share your content, a comic strip would definitely help in a great way.
While performing digital marketing, what type of comics work for your product?
Comics are the best way to reach a well-designed audience group. They are not an exclusive genre. Just like movies, comics communicate a wide type of styles like silly adventure stories, cerebral social commentary, etc. Humor helps to enhance the share ability online. However, depending on the audience and message, you can consider a serious tone.
In most cases, online comics are targeted at grown-up individuals. It has the tendency to join ironic observations with unpretentious graphics. It can be focused on numerous audiences at once. The comic strip can interest both science buffs and programmers. Another fine example is Oatmeal due to its wide appeal.
The length is another important consideration in comics. When it comes to digital marketing or content marketing drives, you can make use of short comics.
Types of comics for digital marketing
Short comics are divided into two types. The vertical, infographics format and the typical comic strip format. In the vertical infographics format, there will be sufficient drawings that are up to 30 and works extremely good online. Do not think that the reader has to spool. Scrolling or spooling is the natural storytelling method- the controlled movement explains the context to the audience as per their own convenience.Here you – Check Out how comics used as a digital marketing strategy.
You can also add some thought to the file of the comics. Simple image files such as gif, jpeg, and png are the best options for using on the web page or social media standalone post. SlideShare is another effective and simple platform for comics. As you click the next slide, the storytelling device functions like scrolling. If your visitors or audiences use online PowerPoint presentations, it is best to use comic in Slideshare format.
Few tips to utilize comics in digital marketing
- Traditional comic book designs do not work well online. It is due to the entire organizing on the web pages.
- PDF file format should definitely be avoided. If you wish to enhance the stories to increase share ability and online viewing, do not convert it into a downloadable format.
- You should also think twice if you want to produce a graphic novel or comic book as part of a digital marketing effort. They are not sustainable for the long term and needs a lot of work.